Apa Itu Early Game?

Jul 2, 2023
Permainan dan Aktivitas

Early game adalah fase awal sebuah pertandingan dalam game Mobile Legends yang memiliki peran penting dalam menentukan arah permainan selanjutnya. Pada tahap ini, hero memiliki tingkat kekuatan dan kelemahan tertentu yang harus dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh pemain untuk meraih kemenangan.

Pentingnya Early Game

Dalam early game, strategi yang diterapkan oleh pemain akan memengaruhi jalannya permainan secara keseluruhan. Memahami peran dan kemampuan hero yang digunakan, serta memanfaatkan kelemahan hero lawan, adalah kunci untuk dominasi di awal permainan.

Strategi Early Game yang Efektif

Untuk memenangkan early game, pemain perlu fokus pada farming untuk meningkatkan level dan item hero dengan cepat. Selain itu, berkolaborasi dengan tim untuk melakukan ganking atau merampas turret lawan merupakan strategi yang dapat memberikan keuntungan di fase awal permainan.

Memahami Timing dalam Early Game

Timing yang tepat dalam mengambil keputusan juga sangat penting di early game. Mengetahui kapan harus melakukan serangan, kapan harus bertahan, dan kapan waktu yang tepat untuk merebut objektif game dapat membuat perbedaan antara kemenangan dan kekalahan.


Dengan memahami early game secara mendalam, pemain Mobile Legends dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam mengatur strategi, berkolaborasi dengan tim, dan mengoptimalkan permainan di fase awal pertandingan. Early game bukan hanya tentang menang atau kalah, tetapi juga tentang proses belajar dan berkembang sebagai pemain yang lebih baik.

Early Game Objectives

During the early game phase in Mobile Legends, there are several key objectives that can provide a significant advantage to your team if achieved successfully:

  • Securing the Gold Crab: The Gold Crab provides a gold boost to the team that defeats it, helping heroes get stronger faster.
  • Taking Down Turrets: Destroying enemy turrets can provide gold and map control, opening up opportunities for roaming and ganking.
  • Controlling the Jungle: Establishing dominance in the jungle can deny resources to the enemy team and secure buffs for your own team.
  • Initiating Successful Ganks: Coordinated ganks can help your team secure kills and create advantages in various lanes.

Teamwork and Communication

Effective communication and teamwork are crucial in the early game. Coordinating with your teammates, calling out enemy movements, and responding promptly to team fights can make a significant difference in the outcome of the match. Utilizing the in-game pings and chat features to communicate key information and strategies can help in executing successful plays.

Adapting to Situational Changes

Flexibility and adaptability are essential traits in the early game. As the match progresses, you may encounter unexpected situations or changes in the enemy's strategy. Being able to adapt your gameplay, adjust your item build, and change your tactics on the fly can help you stay ahead and turn the tide of battle in your favor.


In conclusion, mastering the early game phase in Mobile Legends requires a combination of strategic thinking, teamwork, communication, and adaptability. By focusing on key objectives, working closely with your team, and staying agile in your decision-making, you can set a strong foundation for success in the rest of the match. Embrace the challenges of the early game, learn from your experiences, and strive to improve your skills to become a formidable player in the world of Mobile Legends.

Itemization in the Early Game

Choosing the right items in the early game can significantly impact your hero's performance. Prioritize items that enhance your hero's strengths and help you survive or deal more damage in fights. Understanding the item builds for different heroes and adjusting your build based on the enemy team composition can give you a competitive edge in the early stages of the game.

Vision and Map Awareness

Warding key areas of the map and maintaining good map awareness are crucial in the early game. Vision control can prevent ganks, provide information on enemy movements, and secure objectives. Keeping an eye on the mini-map, responding to missing enemy heroes, and providing vision for your team can prevent ambushes and help you make informed decisions during the match.

Snowballing and Momentum

In Mobile Legends, snowballing is a common occurrence where one team gains a significant advantage and uses that momentum to secure more objectives and kills. Creating an early lead through successful plays, securing kills, and dominating the map can help your team snowball to victory. Capitalizing on your advantages, maintaining pressure on the enemy team, and keeping up the momentum are key factors in winning the early game.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Lastly, embracing a growth mindset and seeking opportunities for learning and improvement are essential in mastering the early game in Mobile Legends. Analyzing your gameplay, studying pro players' strategies, and staying updated on the game's meta can enhance your skills and help you adapt to evolving challenges in the game. By continuously striving to improve and honing your abilities, you can become a formidable player in the competitive Mobile Legends scene.

Final Thoughts

The early game phase in Mobile Legends sets the stage for the rest of the match and can determine the outcome of the game. By focusing on objectives, teamwork, communication, adaptability, itemization, vision control, and continuous learning, you can increase your chances of success and lead your team to victory. Embrace the challenges, stay positive, and enjoy the journey of mastering the early game in Mobile Legends.